Registration opens for future Maltese EU Presidency event on urban rail
The future Maltese Presidency of the EU has just opened the registration process for the important event that they will organise on 27 and 28 April 2017 in Malta on “Developing urban rail transport: environmental performances and financing solutions”.
This event will be a unique opportunity to learn about best practices in Europe on developing and financing urban rail systems (tram/metro). Organised with the support of UNIFE, UITP, POLIS & EUROCITIES, it will bring together numerous urban operators, Cities/local Governments and tram, metro & rail equipment manufacturers from all over Europe.
We hope that your companies will be able to participate in this important event. You can download here the official letter recently circulated by the Maltese Authorities. You can also directly register here (delegation code: E316-MTI.Delegate. ).
Contact: Jean-Philippe Peuziat |