UNIFE NEWS: Bucharest: Two conferences organised by the Romanian EU Council Presidency address the role of Standardisation and the Fourth Railway Package Implementation
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Bucharest: Two conferences organised by the Romanian EU Council Presidency address the role of Standardisation and the Fourth Railway Package Implementation
On 7 June, the High Level Conference on Standardisation marked the end of the Joint Initiative on Standardisation and it concluded with a strong plea to the new European Commission to continue the initiative beyond 2019. Over the past 3 years the initiative had brought together stakeholders across industries to work on set of actions aimed at improving delivery and awareness of standardisation processes. As one of the signatories of the Joint Initiative, UNIFE supports its continuation as standards continue to play a crucial role for the competitiveness of the industry within the Single Market and globally.
On 11 and 12 June, the Romanian EU Council Presidency organised a workshop on the Fourth Railway Package implementation, in Bucharest. During the event, cooperation agreements with the NSAs of France, Greece and Romania were signed by ERA director Josef Doppelbauer and the respective Heads of the national agencies. As part of the Fourth Railway Package implementation bilateral cooperation agreements have to be signed between all Member States NSAs and the ERA. UNIFE welcomes the conclusion of these agreements as these are essential for a smooth transition to the new authorisation regime which took effect on the 16 of June 2019