UNIFE: Industrial Dialogue on the European Rail Supply Industry
Category : asociaţii europene , autorităţi naţionale şi europene , Legături utile
Kick-off meeting of the Industrial Dialogue
on the European Rail Supply Industry
2 March 2017
Dear UNIFE Members,
The European Commission’s Directorate for Industry and SMEs (DG GROW) just informed us that the kick-off meeting of the Industrial Dialogue on the European Rail Supply Industry will take place in Brussels (at the Borschette Conference Centre) on Thursday, 2 March between 9:30 and 16:00.
The creation of this platform of dialogue between the European Institutions and our industry is the direct outcome of the European Parliament’s Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry adopted last June 2016 under the leadership of Ms Martina Werner, Member of the European Parliament’s Industry Committee.
This first plenary meeting will be opened by Martina Werner herself and by the Deputy Director General of the Commission’s Directorate for Industry and SMEs, Mr Antti Peltomäki. It will bring together numerous high-level representatives of the various Departments of the European Commission (Industry, Transport, Trade, Research, etc.), of Economy Ministries of all Member States as well as, hopefully, many delegates of the European rail supply industry.
Therefore, UNIFE Director-General Philippe Citroën requests high-level representation from your companies at the kick-off in order to demonstrate to the European Commission and the Member States that our industry is ready to dialogue and is united in its call for the swift implementation of concretes measures to boost its global competitiveness.
We will soon come back to you with a draft programme and information on how to register. Furthermore, as the European Commission has asked us to act as a contact point with European suppliers, please don’t hesitate to contact Jean-Philippe Peuziat at jeanphilippe.peuziat@unife.org if you have any questions.