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Consultare publică – Drepturilor pasagerilor în transportul multimodal.

În data de 23 februarie 2017  a fost lansată de către Comisia Europeană o consultare publică privind o posibilă inițiativă la nivelul Uniunii Europene în domeniul drepturilor pasagerilor în transportul multimodal.

Comisia Europeană dorește să examineze opțiunile disponibile pentru o mai bună protecție a pasagerilor din UE care utilizează transportul multimodal. Scopul consultării publice deschise este de a solicita opinia publicului larg cu privire la elementele esențiale ale evaluării impactului:

  • problemele cu care se confruntă pasagerii atunci când combină mai multe moduri de transport pentru aceeași călătorie, inclusiv factorii determinanți și cauzele acestor probleme,
  • opțiunile care urmează să fie evaluate și
  • impactul posibil al fiecărei opțiuni.

Chestionarul aferent consultării sus-menţionate este disponibil la următorul link:, iar termenul până la care poate fi transmis chestionarul completat către COM este 25.05.2017.

Consultarea poate fi de interes în mod special pentru cetățenii UE care utilizează diferite moduri de transport pentru efectuarea călătoriei. Din perspectiva potențialelor obligații care s-ar crea în sarcina acestora, considerăm că această consultare prezintă importanță și pentru transportatorii rutieri, precum și pentru organismele de administrare a terminalelor.

Totodată, am aprecia dacă chestionarul completat către COM, va fi transmis și  către Direcţia Transport Rutier – MT (e-mail, până la data de 21 aprilie 2017.

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UNIFE Briefing February 2017

View this email in your browser
Foreword from Philippe Citroën
Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry Forum
10 years of European Railway Awards
Joint declaration for an ambitious EU Industrial Strategy
Sixth EU-Japan Industrial Dialogue on Railways (27 February) and EU-Japan FTA negotiations
Update on EU-China relations
European Parliament approves EU-Canada Trade Agreement (CETA)
‘Blending’ is being tested for the Connecting Europe Facility grants
Update on the status of the implementation of the Technical Pillar of the 4th Railway Package
RFE dinner event on MEAT principle
Shift2Rail interim evaluation
NGTC Final Conference successfully held in Brussels
Signalling CEOs sign Letter of Intent for supporting the updated ERTMS European Deployment Plan
IRIS Certification™ status update
Upcoming events

Foreword from Philippe Citroën

Dear Friends,

It was great getting a chance to speak with so many of you at the 10th Anniversary of the European Railway Awards earlier this month. As always, the event provided a wonderful opportunity for so many members of our community to come together and listen to insightful speakers share their visions of rail – including UNIFE Chairman President of Bombardier Transportation Laurent Troger. I hope those of you who had a chance to attend enjoyed it.

Today is European Industry Day – which will bring together high-level policy makers and representatives from various sectors to debate the future of European Industry. UNIFE along with 125 European Manufacturing Associations signed a Joint Declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy, made public earlier this month to put pressure on the European Commission to propose an industrial strategy that will help safeguard the world leadership of European manufacturers, and keep jobs in Europe. We’ve never seen so many associations from such a wide range of industries come together to support a single declaration, and we have definitely been heard.  You can read more about this declaration in this Newsletter.

I am currently on a flight back from Tokyo, where I attended the 6th EU-Japan Industrial Dialogue on Railways. As you know, the past few years of negotiations have not done much to improve access to the Japanese market, and we were very firm in our expectation of concrete results and major market access improvements going far beyond the ‘one-year package’ on railway.

Warm regards,

Philippe Citroën
Director General


Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry Forum

The European Commission Directorate for Industry (DG GROW) will organise the kick-off meeting of the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry Forum in Brussels on 2 March. The creation of this platform of dialogue between the EU Institutions and our manufacturing industry is the direct outcome of the European Parliament’s Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry adopted last June 2016 under the leadership of Ms. Martina Werner, Member of the European Parliament’s Industry Committee.
Contact: Jean-Philippe Peuziat

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CONPIROM – Scrisoare deschisa


Presedintia Romaniei – Dlui. Presedinte Klaus Iohannis

Senatul Romaniei – Dlui. Presedinte Calin Popescu Tariceanu

Camera Deputatilor – Dlui. Presedinte Liviu Dragnea

Guvernul Romaniei – Dlui. Prim Ministru Sorin Grindeanu

Confederatia Patronala din Industrie si Agricultura, Constructii si Servicii din Romania – CONPIROM infiintata in 1992, cu reprezentativitate la nivel national, care reuneste 21 organizatii afiliate (din domeniile: constructii de masini, electrotehnica, electronica si automatizari, mobila, constructii, sticlarie, industrie ciment si materiale de constructii, celuloza si hartie, metalurgie feroasa si neferoasa si produse refractare, forestiera, agricultura, ingrasaminte chimice), indeplinind criteriile de eligibilitate conform Legii 62/2011,  va supune atentiei preocuparea majora pentru evolutia situatiei din tara, aceasta avand influenta semnificativa, pe multiple planuri, asupra mediului de afaceri, relatiilor comerciale internationale ale Romaniei si in general asupra tuturor activitatilor economico – sociale.

Putem usor observa ca, in prezent, ritmul activitatii noastre este direct influentat de faptul ca:

  • institutiile guvernamentale lucreaza mai putin,
  • ministrii nu si-au intrat complet in atributii
  • functionarii amana aprobari, decizii, etc,
  • importante programe nationale si internationale nu sunt demarate
  • partenerii externi sunt in incertitudine,
  • angajatii nostri, divizati in opinii sau derutati, lucreaza cu un randament redus,
  • s-a creat o confuzie generala in legatura cu ceea ce se intampla in realitate, cu adevaratele motivatii, prioritati sau interese ale factorilor economico – sociali,
  • s-a creat o confuzie majora in ceea ce priveste rolul institutiilor, rolul functionarilor publici,
  • s-a creat o segregare, o discriminare pe criterii de varsta, pe tipuri de angajator (strain sau roman, etc)
  • se neglijeaza schimbarile majore la nivel international (implicatiile posibilelor evolutii ale UE, ale instalarii unei noi administratii in SUA, ale crizelor financiare – de materii prime, hrana, energetice, resurse umane calificate, etc).

Dupa consultari cu membrii Confederatiei, s-a hotarat sa ne implicam activ pentru a stopa actualele tendinte de destabilizare generala.

Dorim sa ajutam, sa ridicam dezbaterea publica la alt nivel.

Dorim ca, dezbaterile noastre sa medieze un punct de vedere comun, profund, al mediului de afaceri.

Pentru ca angajatii nostri sa nu mai fie dezorientati si antagonizati, influentati de situatii confuze, ne propunem sa cream un mediu specific de dezbateri in cadrul patronatelor, asociatiilor profesionale, pana la nivelul managerilor executivi si chiar al angajatilor, sa ajutam la intelegerea a ceea ce se intampla si a implicatiilor unor posibile decizii.

De asemenea dorim sa subliniem in mod deosebit atentia pe care trebuie sa o acordam abordarii relatiilor cu partenerii nostri straini si un tratament echilibrat in relatiile cu capitalul autohton in fata autoritatilor statului.

Globalizarea este o realitate si noi trebuie sa actionam in contextul real al situatiei internationale.

Ca membri UE, NATO si ONU, ca furnizori si/sau clienti, trebuie sa ne comportam cu demnitate, ca parteneri si aliati.

Noi, comunitatea de afaceri, am putea imbunatati mult acest climat, prin functionarea corespunzatoare a dialogului social tripartit.

Fata de cele de mai sus solicitam ferm tuturor factorilor politici si administrativi sa actioneze urgent in sensul normalizarii situatiei, in primul rand prin pozitii oficiale conciliante si prin evitarea incurajarii exceselor, in scopul instalarii unui simt civic ridicat, responsabil, obiectiv si nu emotiv.

Ne asteptam ca luarea noastra de pozitie sa contribuie la normalizarea rapida a situatiei actuale.

Dorim sa atentionam asupra faptului ca exista pericolul ca, si in mediul de afaceri si in dialogul social, sa

apara falii periculoase pentru societatea romaneasca, care sa nu poata fi controlate.

In numele membrilor Consiliului de Conducere CONPIROM ,

Federatiile membre CONPIROM

  • Asociatia Producatorilor de Mobila din Romania – APMR
  • Asociatia Profesionala Patronatul Roman din Industria Electrotehnica – APREL
  • Asociatia Profesionala Patronatul Român din Industria de Mecanica Fina, Optica si Mecatronica – APROMECA
  • Asociatia Patronala a Forestierilor din Romania – ASFOR
  • Federatia Patronala din Industria Constructiilor de Masini – FEPACM
  • Federatia Patronatelor Agricole din Romania – FPAR
  • Federatia Patronala a Scolilor de Conducatori auto si a Formatorilor din domeniul transporturilor rutiere din Romania – FPSSPR
  • Federatia Patronala Metalurgia – METALURGIA
  • Federatia Patronala a Producatorilor din Chimie – METACHIM
  • Asociatia Patronala a Constructorilor – PATROCONS
  • Federatia Patronala din Industria Materialelor de Constructii – PATROMAT
  • Patronatul Medicinei Integrative – PMI
  • Federatia Patronala si Profesionala – RECOMAT
  • Patronatul Industriei de Celuloza si Hartie – ROMPAP
  • Organizatia Patronala din Industria Sticlei si Ceramicii Fine – STICEF
  • Patronatul Bijutierilor din Romania – RBRo
  • Asociatia Firmelor Bihorene – AFBh
  • Federatia Judeteana a Patronatelor Mici si Mijlocii din Judetul Iasi – FJPIMM Iasi
  • Asociatia Industriei Feroviare – AIF
  • Federatia Serviciilor de Securitate – FSS
  • Liga Intreprinzatorilor din Romania – LIR

Scrisoare deschisa_CONPIROM

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Joint Declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy

Joint Declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy which was published on 16 February and co-signed by 92 European industrial associations – including UNIFE – representing various manufacturing sectors throughout Europe.

By publishing this Joint Declaration shortly before today’s Comptetitiveness Council (Internal Market and Industry) and the upcoming EU Industry Day (28/02), these 92 industrial associations hope to convince the European Commission to propose an EU industrial strategy aimed at safeguarding the world leadership of European manufacturers and jobs in Europe.



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UNIFE: Industrial Dialogue on the European Rail Supply Industry

Kick-off meeting of the Industrial Dialogue
on the European Rail Supply Industry
2 March 2017

Dear UNIFE Members,

The European Commission’s Directorate for Industry and SMEs (DG GROW) just informed us that the kick-off meeting of the Industrial Dialogue on the European Rail Supply Industry will take place in Brussels (at the Borschette Conference Centre) on Thursday, 2 March between 9:30 and 16:00. 

The creation of this platform of dialogue between the European Institutions and our industry is the direct outcome of the European Parliament’s Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry adopted last June 2016 under the leadership of Ms Martina Werner, Member of the European Parliament’s Industry Committee.

This first plenary meeting will be opened by Martina Werner herself and by the Deputy Director General of the Commission’s Directorate for Industry and SMEs, Mr Antti Peltomäki. It will bring together numerous high-level representatives of the various Departments of the European Commission (Industry, Transport, Trade, Research, etc.), of Economy Ministries of all Member States as well as, hopefully, many delegates of the European rail supply industry.

Therefore, UNIFE Director-General Philippe Citroën requests high-level representation from your companies at the kick-off in order to demonstrate to the European Commission and the Member States that our industry is ready to dialogue and is united in its call for the swift implementation of concretes measures to boost its global competitiveness.

We will soon come back to you with a draft programme and information on how to register. Furthermore, as the European Commission has asked us to act as a contact point with European suppliers, please don’t hesitate to contact Jean-Philippe Peuziat at if you have any questions.

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UNIFE Briefing January 2017

Foreword from Philippe Citroën
European Railway Award 2017 – register now
Parliament Elections
Malta takes over rotating EU Presidency
Work Plans for the TEN-T Corridors
European Commission adopts the ERTMS European Deployment Plan
Negotiations accelerate on the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement
Update on EU-China relations
UNIFE and the EIB discuss the need for more investments for rail projects
Shift2Rail information session in Athens
Rail freight high on the EU agenda
Polis conference
Towards a new European Rail Research Advisory Council
Update on the Technical Pillar of the 4th Railway Package
UNIFE participation to Shift2Rail Info Days
Project Status – IRIS goes ISO
Upcoming events

Foreword from Philippe Citroën

Dear Friends,

I hope that you have all had a fruitful start to this New Year. After spending quality time with family and friends over the holidays, our team hit the ground running this year to work on our many issue areas.

We are looking forward to the kick-off meeting of theCompetitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry Forum that DG GROW will organise on 2 March. The creation of this platform of dialogue between the European Institutions and our industry is the direct outcome of the European Parliament’s Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry adopted last June 2016.

Before I end this note, I wanted to remind you of a few upcoming events – the details of which are included below. Firstly, we are organising an event with the Maltese EU Presidency on “Developing urban rail transport: environmental performances and financing solutions”. It will take place in Malta in April. Finally, please note that our General Assembly will be taking place in June in Barcelona.

I look forward to working with you to ensure 2017 is even more successful than last year.

Warm regards,

Philippe Citroën
Director General